Eyelash Lift

Naturally Luscious Curly Lashes.

What is Eyelash Perming, Lash Lift, or Eyelash Lift?

Eyelash Lift, Lash Lift, Eyelash Perming, or Lash Perming is a semi-permanent treatment that gives your natural lashes a perfectly curled shape with added definition. It is a great alternative to eyelash extensions and is suitable for people with long natural lashes, also it requires very little maintenance and has long-lasting results.

What do they do in a lash lift?
The procedure is called a keratin lash lift and we only use the Elleebana One Shot Lash lift Kit a premium quality product, not the cheap products being used by nail bars which don’t last. Our Elleebana Lash lift procedure involves rolling your eyelids onto tiny silicone rods after putting pads under your eyes, then applying keratin to the lashes. Ninety minutes later, you’ve got eyelashes that look darker, fuller, and curvier

How long does it take to get a lash lift & how long will it last?
A lash lift can take anything from 15 minutes to 30 minutes from beginning to end. Maybe a little longer if you decide to have your eyelashes tinted which will enhance the effect of your lash lift. A Lash Lift can last up to 4 weeks but can vary from person to person, and aftercare.


Service Price
Eyelash Lift (Ellebana) $70
(Permanent Curling of Eyelash lasts upto 4 weeks)
Eyelash Lift services are offered at all locations.

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